Part One of a three part series. This is a true story about one person's journey through
the discomfort of changing her life story.
What Does It Take?
What does it take for you to decide that a life change needs to happen?
Big or small, what must happen for you to make the change?
Do you call in reinforcements like your spouse, best friend or therapist?
If you are anything like me, sometimes a single thought turns into a big deal. Sometimes the big deal is all in my head and sometimes it becomes something, something that will require a lot more from me to make a sustainable change. And, if I am being honest. those are the scary ones,
I am very impulsive but after 40 years I was finally ready for a necessary change.
In my heart, I knew that this would be a big change and I was terrified.
Though I had so much to be grateful for, I was stuck and unhappy.
As I began to think about what I needed to do, I knew that I needed to seek help outside of myself and frankly outside of my comfort zone of my spouse, best friend or therapist.
What came next was 100% outside my comfort zone. Haven’t you heard the saying that “Change comes at the end of your comfort zone?” This is so true!
This is where it gets good!
Exit comfort zone, enter a breath of fresh air! You know when you meet someone, and you just feel different whenever you are around them? That’s how I always felt around Patti. Though, I couldn’t put my finger on it at the time, I know now that the feeling I had was her high energy. My energy was low, and it was uncomfortable for me. Remember what I said about comfort zones?
Here is what I know to be true about seeking help and finding the right person or people to help. You attract what you seek. It’s a fact! At this point in my life I was seeking happiness and prosperity. Naturally I looked to the one person I knew who made me feel happy and I had a hunch that would also lead me down the path of anything else I wanted for myself.
I was approaching my 40th birthday and in a bad place in my life. My job was unfulfilling, my marriage and friendships were on the rocks. I was miserable!
I can’t even remember particulars of reaching out to Patti or what I said to her. I didn’t know her very well and I was so scared of judgement. But I knew she was a shiny, happy light being and I wanted to be more like her.
You see, Patti has this way about her. Her presence made me feel comfortable and at ease. The longer we talked, the more I opened up. I was vulnerable and she was truthful.
I told her how I wanted more for myself but didn’t know where to start. One of the very first things she told me is that I had to love and trust myself first. Then it hit me, for the first 40 years of my life I didn’t love or trust myself. I had essentially been asleep! That realization hit me like a ton of bricks. I was starting to become awake and aware. There was no turning back for me after that.
Follow me in this journey here for the next three weeks on how I have made significant and sustainable changes using the tools that Patti taught me and still teaches me today.
For more information about Laura, check out her blog
